
Steve Brown

Friday, Apr 14 - Thursday, Jan 01
In the past 5-10 years the comedy industry has taken a drastic turn for the best. Those once unknown for their comedic genius are now standing center stage in some of the largest arenas with sold out crowds. With acts rising to the top, seemingly overnight, such as Katt Williams, Kevin Hart, and DeRay Davis it is hard to ignore that there is room for every hungry comedian to claim his top spot and co-exist among the current greats. Steve W. Brown is that rising star!
When Steve Brown takes the stage he amazes his audience with his witty remarks, extremely original jokes, and his high-energy physical antics. This man is currently reigning and will be soon recognized as one of the greatest comedians of our time. He is blazing a trail across the United States, headlining at major comedy clubs, performing at famous venues, and doing one of his most favorite jobs, hosting university events.